Thursday, August 8, 2013

ARSENAL PLAYGROUP Standard Decks - 08/04/2013

 Alex Santos' "Zumans"
4  Champion of the Parish
4  Cartel Aristocrat
3  Imposing Sovereign
4  Xathrid Necromancer
4  Blood Artist
4  Doomed Traveler
4  Tragic Slip
4  Gather the Townsfolk
3  Lingering Souls
3  Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
4  Godless Shrine
4  Isolated Chapel
3  Mutavault
7  Plains
5  Swamp
3  Sin Collector
3  Oblivion Ring
3  Vampire Nighthawk
2  Appetite for Brains
1  Elixir of Immortality
3  War Priest of Thune

Joseph Quinito's "Jund Midrange"
2  Vampire Nighthawk
4  Huntmaster of the Fells
2  Olivia Voldaren
4  Thragtusk
2  Thundermaw Hellkite
4  Farseek
3  Bonfire of the Damned
2  Garruk, Primal Hunter
2  Rakdos's Return
2  Tragic Slip
2  Putrefy
1  Abrupt Decay
1  Dreadbore
1  Doom Blade
1  Rakdos Keyrune
1  Gaze of Granite
1  Sever the Bloodline
4  Blood Crypt
4  Ovegrown Tomb
4  Stomping Ground
4  Rootbound Crag
4  Woodland Cemetery
3  Dragonskull Summit
2  Kessig Wolf Run
3  Liliana of the Veil
2  Tragic Slip
2  Pillar of Flame
2  Underworld Connections
2  Golgari Charm
2  Duress
1  Rakdos's Return
1  Gaze of Granite

Marcos Serafica's "RUG RATS"
4  Thragtusk
2  Huntmaster of the Fells
4  Snapcaster Mage
2  Scavenging Ooze
1  Prime Speaker Zegana
2  Think Twice
4  Searing Spear
1  Pillar of Flame
2  Turn//Burn
3  Mizzium Mortars
1  Cyclonic Rift
2  Unsummon
1  Essence Scatter
1  Dissipate
1  Syncopate
2  Izzet Charm
2  Jace, Architect of Thought
1  Ral Zarek
4  Sulfur Falls
3  Steam Vents
4  Stomping Grounds
3  Rootbound Crag
2  Hinterland Harbor
1  Encroaching Wastes
4  Breeding Pool
2  Cavern of Souls
1  Kessig Wolf Run
2  Negate
1  Dispel
1  Counterflux
1  Curse of Echoes
2  Pillar of Flame
2  Izzet Staticaster
1  Aetherling
1  Glaring Spotlight
1  Sundering Growth
1  Scavenging Ooze
2  Ratchet Bomb

Jaybie Andres
1  Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
1  Jace, Memory Adept
2  Aetherling
2  Snapcaster MAge
1  Detention Sphere
1  Ratchet Bomb
1  Azorius Keyrune
1  Orzhov Keyrune
2  Lingering Souls
3  Supreme Verdict
2  Merciless Eviction
3  Think Twice
1  Forbidden Alchemy
2  Sphinx's Revelation
1  Quicken
2  Syncopate
2  Dissipate
3  Azorius Charm
1  Doom Blade
1  Tribute to Hunger
2  Far//Away
1  Aetherize
4  Godless Shrine
4  Hallowed Fountain
4  Watery Grave
4  Drowned Catacomb
4  Glacial Fortress
2  Island
2  Nephalia Drownyard
1  Vault of the Archangel
1  Sever the Bloodline
2  Clone
1  Supreme Verdict
1  Ratchet Bomb
1  Detention Sphere
1  Far//Away
1  Crypt Incursion
2  Dispel
2  Rest in Peace
2  Curse of Death's Hold
1  Witchbane Orb

Marcel Reyes' "Naya Zoo"
3  Domri Rade
1  Bonfire of the Damned
2  Mizzium Mortars
2  Selensya Charm
4  Avacyn's Pilgrim
4  Voice of Resurgence
4  Boros Reckoner
3  Loxodon Smiter
2  Scavenging Ooze
4  Ogre Battledriver
2  Ghor-Clan Rampager
2  Thundermaw Hellkite
2  Archangel of Thune
2  Kalonian Hydra
4  Stomping Ground
4  Temple Garden
2  Sacred Foundry
4  Rootbound Crag
4  Sunpetal Grove
2  Clifftop Retreat
1  Forest
1  Gavony Township
1  Kessig Wolf Run
1  Cavern of Souls
1  Ratchet Bomb
2  Bonfire of the Damned
2  Ray of Revelation
2  Rest in Peace
2  Unflinching Courage
1  Sigarda, Host of Herons
1  Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
2  Boros Charm
2  Selensya Charm

Jorel Escano's "Jory Deck Wins"
4  Ash Zealot
4  Stromkirk Noble
4  Rakdos Cackler
3  Hellrider
1  Firefist Striker
4  Lightning Mauler
4  Burning-Tree Emissary
4  Gore-house Chainwalker
4  Shock
4  Searing Spear
2  Rubblemelt Maaka
1  Brimstone Volley
1  Hellion Crucible
20  Mountain
4  Thunderous Wrath
4  Madcap Skills
1  Wear//Tear
2  Act of Treason
1  Wrack with Madness
1  Blasphemous Act
1  Elixir of Immortality
1  Volcanic Strength

Myk Molina's "Junk Closet"
4  Voice of Resurgence
3  Scavenging Ooze
4  Thragtusk
4  Restoration Angel
2  Angel of Serenity
2  Blood Baron of Vizkopa
2  Acidic Slime
2  Putrefy
2  Doom Blade
1  Abrupt Decay
1  Sever the Bloodline
4  Farseek
2  Garruk Primal Hunter
2  Ratchet Bomb
1  Conjurer's Closet
3  Godless Shrine
4  Overgrown Tomb
4  Temple Garden
4  Sunpetal Grove
4  Woodland Cemetery
1  Isolated Chapel
3  Forest
2  Vault of the Archangel
3  Centaur Healer
1  Barter in Blood
1  Curse of Death's Hold
3  Sin Collector
2  Abrupt Decay
1  Scavenging Ooze
2  Garruk Relentless
1  Gaze of Granite
1  Obzedat, Ghost Council

Nino Bautista
4  Azorius Charm
4  Riot Control
3  Think Twice
2  Cyclonic Rift
3  Terminus
3  Devastation Tide
3  Saruli Gatekeepers
2  Snapcaster Mage
2  Druid's Deliverance
3  Centaur Healer
4  Fog
3  Selesnya Guildgate
4  Maze's End
1  Mountain
1  Forest
2  Dimir Guildgate
2  Gruul Guildgate
2  Azorius Guildgate
2  Boros Guildgate
2  Golgari Guildgate
2  Orzhov Guildgate
2  Rakdos Guildgate
2  Simic Guildgate
2  Izzet Guildgate
4  Pithing Needle
4  Slaughter Games
4  Appetite for Brains
1  Terminus
2  Elixir of Immortality

Ian Vasquez's "Aristochicks"
4  Doomed Traveler
4  Cartel Aristocrat
3  Skirsdag High Priest
1  Xathrid Necromancer
4  Blood Artist
4  Boros Reckoner
1  Obzedat, Ghost Council
1  Maw of the Obzedat
4  Falkenrath Aristocrat
4  Tragic Slip
3  Blasphemous Act
4  Lingering Souls
4  Dragonskull Summit
4  Godless Shrine
4  Blood Crypt
4  Sacred Foundry
5  Plains
2  Swamps
2  Tribute to Hunger
3  Appetite for Brains
3  Rakdos Charm
3  Slaughter Games
3  Sin Collector
1  Sire of Insanity

Arnold Alejo's "Big Game Hunter"
4  Corpsejack Menace
3  Manaweft Sliver
1  Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
2  Renegade Krasis
2  Primordial Hydra
4  Arbor Elf
3  Dawntreader Elk
2  Desecration Demon
2  Cryptborn Horror
1  Primeval Bounty
2  Giant Growth
2  Garruk Primal Hunter
4  Putrefy
3  Clan Defiance
2  Doom Blade
4  Overgrown Tomb
4  Rootbound Crag
3  Dragonskull Summit
1  Mountain
1  Swamp
8  Forest
2  Kessig Wolf Run
3  Gaze of Granite
2  Bramblecrush
2  Crypt Incursion
1  Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
3  Slaughter Games
2  Rubblebelt Raiders
2  Lumberknot

Ulysses Angeles' "Uly's Naya"
1  Arbor Elf
1  Sublime Archangel
3  Scavenging Ooze
1  Frontline Medic
2  Selesnya Charm
4  Boros Reckoner
4  Avacyn's Pilgrim
4  Loxodon Smiter
3  Domri Rade
1  Bonfire of the Damned
3  Mizzium Mortars
2  Archangel of Thune
2  Thragtusk
3  Mindsparker
3  Ghor-Clan Rampager
1  Path of Bravery
4  Temple Garden
4  Stomping Ground
4  Sunpetal Grove
4  Rootbound Crag
3  Sacred Foundry
1  Gavony Township
1  Cavern of Souls
1  Forest
1  Mountain
1  Rest in Peace
3  Boros Charm
2  Zealous Conscripts
2  Ratchet Bomb
3  Witchstalker
1  Ray of Revelation
2  Huntmaster of the Fells
1  Ruric Thar, the Unbowed

Van Mamokhan
2  Chandra Pyromancer
4  Rakdos Cackler
4  Stromkirk Noble
4  Ash Zealot
4  Chandra's Phoenix
3  Pyreheart Wolf
4  Hellrider
4  Thundermaw Hellkite
3  Pillar of Flame
4  Searing Spear
4  Mutavault
20  Mountain
1  Pyreheart Wolf
3  Mizzium Mortars
2  Blasphemous Act
4  Skull Crack
2  Wild Ricochet
1  Pillar of Flame
2  Burning Earth

Argel Medalla
4  Elvish Mystic
4  Advent of the Wurm
2  Armada Wurm
3  Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
2  Intangible Virtue
4  Call of the Conclave
4  Gather the Townsfolk
3  Rootborn Defenses
2  Druid's Deliverance
4  Selensya Charm
3  Live//Well
3  Growing Ranks
4  Selesyan Guildgate
3  Grove of the Guardian
8  Plains
8  Forest
2  Rest in Peace
2  Sundering Growth
1  Elixir of Immortality
1  Rootborn Defenses
2  Tree of Redemption
3  Aerial Predation
3  Centaur Healer
1  Ratchet Bomb

Renson Gacutana's "Fun Deck"
3  Young Pyromancer
2  Guttersnipe
4  Nivix Cyclops
3  Searing Spear
4  Pillar of Flames
2  Mugging
3  Hidden Strings
3  Think Twice
3  Unsummon
1  Artful Dodge
2  Armed//Dangerous
4  Ranger's  Guile
1  Mizzium Skin
1  Skull Crack
1  Mizzium Mortars
1  Temple Garden
1  Sacred Foundry
2  Steam Vents
4  Breeding Pool
4  Stomping Ground
4  Sulfur Falls
3  Rootbound Crag
2  Hinterland Harbor
1  Kessig Wolf Run
2  Cyclonic Rift
2  Memory's Journey
3  Boros Charm
2  Dispel
3  Huntmaster of the Fells
3  Farseek

Renz Regala's "URW Flash"
3  Augur of Bolas
4  Restoration Angel
3  Snapcaster Mage
3  Azorius Charm
2  Dissipate
1  Izzet Charm
3  Pillar of Flame
3  Sphinx's Revelation
2  Supreme Verdict
3  Syncopate
4  Think Twice
1  Turn//Burn
2  Warleader's Helix
3  Clifftop Retreat
4  Glacial Fortress
4  Hallowed Fountain
1  Island
1  Moorland Haunt
3  Sacred Foundry
1  Plains
4  Steam Vents
4  Sulfur Falls
2  Detention Sphere
1  Dispel
3  Negate
1  Turn//Burn
2  Ratchet Bomb
2  Thundermaw Hellkite
2  Izzet Staticaster
2  Clone

Richson Ngo
4  Champion of the Parish
4  Blood Artist
4  Cartel Aristocrats
4  Doomed Traveler
4  Xathrid Necromancer
4  Gather the Townsfolk
1  Orzhov Charm
1  Bloodthrone Vampire
4  Tragic Sleep
3  Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
4  Lingering Souls
7  Plains
5  Swamp
2  Cavern of Souls
4  Isolated Chapel
4  Godless Shrine
1  Mutavault
1  Orzhov Guildgate
2  Intangible Virtue
1  Pithing Needle
1  Obzedat Ghost Council
2  Lifebane Zombie
2  Appetite for Brains
2  Sin Collector
2  Duress
3  Celestial Flare

Rodolfo Deriquito's "NAYArika!"
4  Champion of the Parish
4  Boros Elite
4  Experiment One
4  Burning-Tree Emissary
4  Lightning Mauler
4  Imposing Sovereign
4  Frontline Medic
2  Ghor-Clan Rampager
4  Searing Spear
2  Boros Charm
4  Temple Garden
4  Stomping Ground
4  Sacred Foundry
4  Cavern of Souls
2  Sunpetal Grove
1  Rootbound Crag
1  Clifftop Retreat
2  Selesnya Charm
2  Boros Charm
2  Oblivion Ring
2  Mizzium Mortars
3  Skull Crack
4  Pillar of Flame

Michael Uy's "Gruul Aggro"
4  Rakdos Caclker
4  Stromkirk Noble
4  Burning-Tree Emissary
4  Flinthoof Boar
3  Madcap Skills
4  Boros Reckoner
4  Ghor-Clan Rampager
4  Hellrider
4  Searing Spear
4  Pillar of Flame
2  Temple Garden
4  Stomping Ground
4  Rootbound Crag
11  Mountain
3  Burning Earth
3  Volcanic Strength
2  Blasphemous Act
2  Mizzium Mortars
3  Skull Crack
2  Domri Rade

Abi Hilario's "Jank"
1  Sorin, Lord Of Innistrad
1  Obzedat, Ghost Council
2  Garruk Relentless
4  Tragic Slip
2  Varolz, the Scar-Striped
1  Scavenging Ooze
2  Young Wolf
4  Lingering Souls
4  Cartel Aristocrats
4  Voice of Resurgence
4  Blood Artist
3  Skirsdag High Priest
4  Doomed Traveler
1  Swamp
2  Gavony Township
4  Overgrown Tomb
4  Godless Shrine
4  Isolated Chapel
3  Woodland Cemetery
2  Sunpetal Grove
4  Temple Garden
2  Doom Blade
2  Abrupt Decay
2  Scavenging Ooze
1  Obzedat Ghost Council
2  Lifebane Zombie
2  Duress
3  Appetite for Brains
1  Ray of Revelation

Michael Rubio
3  Olivia Voldaren
4  Thragtusk
4  Huntmaster of the Fells
1  Arbor Elf
2  Lifebane Zombie
3  Scavenging Ooze
2  Garruk Primal Hunter
2  Putrefy
1  Abrupt Decay
4  Farseek
4  Bonfire of the Damned
2  Rakdos's Return
1  Doom Blade
2  Tragic Slip
1  Dreadbore
4  Stomping Ground
4  Ovegrown Tomb
4  Blood Crypt
2  Kessig Wolf Run
1  Swamp
2  Forest
3  Dragonskull Summit
4  Woodland Cemetery
1  Rootbound Crag
3  Liliana of the Veil
1  Rakdos's Return
1  Barter in Blood
2  Lifebane Zombie
2  Duress
2  Underworld Connections
1  Curse of Death's Hold
1  Vraska the Unseen
1  Abrupt Decay
1  Vampire Nighthawk

Benedict Cardenas
4  Restoration Angel
3  Snapcaster Mage
3  Augur of Bolas
4  Azorius Charm
3  Pillar of Flame
3  Warleader's Helix
3  Sphinx's Revelation
2  Dissipate
2  Syncopate
1  Essence Scatter
2  Supreme Verdict
3  Think Twice
1  Renounce the Guilds
4  Hallowed Fountain
4  Steam Vents
3  Sacred Foundry
4  Glacial Fortress
4  Sulfur Falls
3  Clifftop Retreat
1  Cavern of Souls
1  Moorland Haunt
4  Izzet Staticaster
2  Negate
1  Pillar of Flame
1  Essence Scatter
2  Renounce the Guilds
1  Supreme Verdict
3  Thundermaw Hellkite
1  Celestial Flare

Alexis Sulit's "Naya ni Domri"
4  Avacyn's Pilgrim
4  Voice of Resurgence
3  Scavenging Ooze
4  Boros Reckoner
4  Loxodon Smiter
2  Ghor-Clan Rampager
3  Thundermaw Hellkite
1  Sublime Archangel
1  Aurelia the Warleader
4  Domri Rade
3  Mizzium Mortars
1  Blasphemous Act
2  Advent of the Wurm
4  Temple Garden
4  Sacred Foundry
4  Stomping Grounds
4  Sunpetal Grove
4  Rootbound Crag
1  Kessig Wolf Run
3  Clifftop Retreat
2  Selesnya Charm
2  Unflinching Courage
2  Ray of Revelation
1  Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
3  Pillar of Flame
3  Boros Charm
1  Burning Earth
1  Assemble the Legion

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